Welcome to ACC Action’s Legislative History page, where we proudly showcase our efforts to drive impactful, commonsense policies that protect our environment, strengthen our energy independence, and secure America’s future!

Over the years, we’ve championed legislation that addresses the most pressing challenges of our time, from cutting unnecessary red tape in energy permitting to bolstering our nuclear capabilities and conserving our natural resources. This page highlights key legislative victories and ongoing efforts that embody our commitment to a cleaner, safer America. Explore the bills we’ve supported and the progress we’ve made toward a brighter future.

Our current permitting process has created an anti-build mentality in the United States, but to pursue American energy dominance and reduce emissions, we must allow America to build. These commonsense reforms would unleash the power of American energy.

The Energy Permitting Reform Act aims to streamline the approval process for energy and mining projects to power America’s future.

Championed by Senators Joe Manchin and John Barrasso.


The comprehensive, bipartisan permitting package shortens the statute of limitations for energy and mining projects, expands the use of categorical exclusions for clean energy technologies, streamlines the permitting process for transmission, and includes provisions to bolster hydropower and mining projects. 


ACC Action President Chris Barnard said: “This bipartisan permitting package is what ACC Action and so many other organizations have been working toward since the start of the 118th Congress. We must cut unnecessary red tape to unleash a cleaner future, powered by American-made energy. Burdensome regulations have made it nearly impossible to build in America. For our climate, our economy, and our national security, this must change. We look forward to digging further into the bill’s text, but we are encouraged by this effort.”


Advanced out of committee with a bipartisan vote of 15-4.

The Hydropower Clean Energy Future Act seeks to eliminate obstacles to the expansion of hydropower, enhancing its role as a clean and reliable energy source essential for securing a stable energy grid.

Championed by Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers.


This bill addresses and removes barriers to help expand hydropower as a clean energy source and recognize its role in securing a reliable grid.


“Hydropower is a clean, reliable, and abundant source of power for communities all over our country. The Hydropower Clean Energy Future Act will ensure that we unleash our hydropower capabilities to secure American energy and reduce emissions. The American Conservation Coalition Action thanks Chairwoman McMorris Rodgers for her leadership on clean energy.” – Christopher Barnard, VP of External Affairs at the American Conservation Coalition Action


Advanced to the full House

The BUILDER Act introduces targeted permitting reforms, including setting timelines, page limits, and streamlining processes for clean energy projects.

Championed by Representatives Kevin McCarthy and Garret Graves.


The bill enacted minor permitting reform including permitting timelines, page limits, a study on transmission needs, the use of categorical exclusions across agencies, requiring a lead permitting agency for each project, and making energy storage projects eligible for the streamlined process created by FAST-41.  


“Modernization … would move the US in the direction of a better, more efficient permitting process.” ACC Action signed a coalition letter with over 30 other organizations in support of the BUILDER Act.


Signed into law in the 118th Congress through the Fiscal Responsibility Act

Nuclear energy is affordable, reliable, and clean – the largest clean energy source in the United States. By fully embracing nuclear energy and removing unnecessary barriers in the industry’s way, we can have an abundant and clean energy future.

The ADVANCE Act reduces regulatory hurdles and enhances the development of nuclear energy, a clean, reliable power source essential for America’s energy independence and climate goals.

Championed by Senators Shelley Moore Capito, Tom Carper, and Sheldon Whitehouse and Representatives Jeff Duncan and Diana DeGette.


The bill reduces application fees for new nuclear reactors, streamlines regulatory processes for nuclear energy projects, increases NRC staff capacity and updates the NRC’s mission to prioritize reactor development. 


ACC Action CEO Danielle Butcher Franz said: “By removing unnecessary barriers currently standing in the way of an American nuclear era, the ADVANCE Act paves the way for industry to maintain and build out our nuclear fleet. Clean, reliable, and safe, nuclear energy is a key component of our efforts to combat climate change and usher in a clean energy future.”


Signed into law in the 118th Congress through the Fire Grants and Safety Act 

The Nuclear Fuel Security Act strengthens U.S. energy security by boosting domestic uranium production, reducing reliance on foreign sources, and supporting the expansion of advanced nuclear technologies.

Championed by Representatives Bob Latta and Jim Clyburn and Senators Joe Manchin, John Barrasso, and Jim Risch.


The legislation aims to boost domestic uranium mining, enrichment, and conversion capabilities and reduce reliance on imported uranium needed for U.S. energy security and advanced nuclear reactor development.


“We must secure nuclear fuel supplies in order to have a clean, reliable future.” – ACC Action on Instagram

ACC Action held a fly-in event with 2023 Miss American and nuclear engineer Grace Stanke.


Signed into law in the 118th Congress through the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act ensures U.S. energy independence by banning uranium imports from Russia, with temporary exceptions, to protect national security and promote domestic production.

Championed by Representatives Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Bob Latta and Senators John Barrasso, Joe Manchin, Jim Risch, Martin Heinrich, Cynthia Lummis, Chris Coons and Roger Marshall.


The legislation bans the import of uranium, specifically low-enriched uranium (LEU), from Russia, unless there is no other way to get it. In that case, waivers are allowed for Russian uranium imports, but they must expire by 2028.


“On-shoring and friend-shoring uranium production will lead to more secure supply chains in the future” – ACC Action on Instagram 

ACC Action showcased public support on social media.


Signed into law in the 118th Congress 

The International Nuclear Energy Act fosters global partnerships to counter the influence of adversarial nations in nuclear energy, ensuring a secure and sustainable energy future.

Championed by Representatives Byron Donalds and James E. Clyburn and Senators Joe Manchin and Jim Risch.


The legislation promotes engagement with ally and partner nations to develop a civil nuclear export strategy and addresses China and Russia’s growing dominance of international nuclear energy development.


“We must bolster our national security by building out our nuclear fleet with abundant and secure supply chains.” – Chris Barnard, ACC Action President, in RealClearEnergy


Introduced in the 118th Congress

The American Nuclear Workforce Act invests in the next generation of nuclear professionals by promoting educational programs and mentorship opportunities, vital for maintaining a robust and innovative nuclear industry.

Championed by Representative Byron Donalds.


The bill directs DOE to carry out messaging campaigns in schools and colleges, foster collaboration between schools and nuclear plants, and establish a mentorship program between the nuclear industry and students.


“The American nuclear energy industry will need a strong workforce to meet a growing demand for clean, safe, and reliable nuclear energy. With more people leaving the industry than entering it, we must reverse this trend. The American Conservation Coalition Action (ACC Action) and our thousands of young conservative leaders across the country applaud this effort to bolster the nuclear energy workforce of the future, which will unleash this clean energy source and increase access to high-paying jobs.” – Chris Barnard, ACC Action President


Introduced in the House in the 118th Congress.

The National Strategy to Utilize Microreactors for Natural Disaster Response Efforts Act develops a national strategy to replace diesel generators with nuclear microreactors for disaster recovery, providing reliable and sustainable energy in times of crisis.

Championed by Representative Byron Donalds.


The legislation aims to formulate a consultation process between the President and federal government entities to develop a national strategy to utilize nuclear microreactors, instead of diesel generators, to assist with natural disaster recovery efforts.


“Studies on nuclear energy during extreme weather show that the energy source is incredibly resilient.” – ACC Action CEO Danielle Butcher Franz in the Dallas Morning News


Introduced in the 118th Congress

American energy is clean energy, and the world needs more of it. Producing cleaner, more efficient energy here at home and exporting it around the world will reduce global emissions and bolster our allies’ energy security.

The Advancing Cutting Edge (ACE) Agricultural Research Act expands the USDA’s Agriculture Advanced Research and Development Authority (AgARDA) to drive innovation in agriculture through high-risk, high-reward research, ensuring the future of American farming is resilient, sustainable, and competitive.

Championed by Senators Michael Bennet and Roger Marshall and Representatives Jimmy Panetta and Randy Feenstra.


The legislation authorizes and expands the USDA’s Agriculture Advanced Research and Development Authority (AgARDA), established in the 2018 Farm Bill. AgARDA is modeled after DOE’s ARPA-E and DOD’s DARPA and invests in high-risk, high-reward agricultural research and development.


“AgARDA is an opportunity to bring this legacy of transformative innovation to USDA to secure America’s food supply.” – Coalition letter signed by ACC Action

RELEASE: Letter From the Breakthrough Institute and 60+ Others Call on Congress to Accelerate Advanced Agriculture Research in Next Farm Bil


Introduced in the 118th Congress

The PROVE IT Act mandates a study by the DOE to compare the emissions intensity of products made in the U.S. versus abroad, highlighting America’s leadership in cleaner, more efficient production practices.

Championed by Senators Kevin Cramer & Chris Coons and Representatives John Curtis and Scott Peters.


The bill requires the DOE to study the emissions intensity of certain products both nationally and internationally to showcase that American production is cleaner than most other countries.


“We know American products are clean products, and now it’s time to PROVE IT!” – ACC Action on Instagram

ACC Action showcased public support on social media.


Introduced in the 118th Congress

The Creating Access to Rural Employment and Education for Resilience and Success (CAREERS) Act supports rural communities by expanding skills development and workforce pipelines through the RISE Grant Program, fostering economic growth and resilience in America’s heartland.

Championed by Rep. Nick Langworthy.


The legislation assists a wide range of industry sectors in setting up workforce pipelines by expanding skills development opportunities through the Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grant Program – established in the 2018 Farm Bill.


“To support agricultural producers and forest owners now and in the future, we urge the agricultural community to advocate for policies that provide financial and technical resources going forward.” – ACC Action in Coalition Op-ed


Introduced in the 118th Congress

America is the most beautiful country on Earth, and it’s our responsibility to protect it. Concrete actions like active forest management, bolstering climate resilience, and regenerative agriculture protect natural places we love and address climate challenges.

This bill tackles the growing threat of catastrophic wildfires by restoring forest health, expediting environmental analyses, and streamlining forest restoration efforts, protecting communities and natural resources.

Championed by Representatives Bruce Westerman and Scott Peters.


This legislation restores forest health, increases resiliency to catastrophic wildfires, and protects communities by expediting environmental analyses, reducing frivolous lawsuits, and increasing the pace and scale of forest restoration projects.


“Decades of fire suppression, coupled with poor forest management, have resulted in larger and more severe wildfires that threaten our air, water, and climate. To address the growing threat of catastrophic wildfires, we must remove the regulatory barriers that hinder our ability to actively manage our forests. The American Conservation Coalition Action and our nearly 50,000 young conservative members across the country applaud this effort to restore the health of America’s forests and ultimately protect our environment.” – Chris Barnard, president, American Conservation Coalition Action 


Introduced in the 118th Congress

The EXPLORE Act enhances public access to outdoor recreation by modernizing infrastructure, updating trail systems, and simplifying the permitting process, ensuring that more Americans can enjoy and appreciate the great outdoors.

Championed by Representatives Bruce Westerman and Raul Grijalva and Senators Joe Manchin and John Barrasso.


This legislation improves and expands access to the outdoors through several provisions including streamlining and modernizing permitting, updating trail systems, restoring and modernizing infrastructure, and reducing fees.


“Uniting around the great outdoors would help our economy and Americans in every corner of the nation.” – ACC ACtion Op-ed to RealClear Energy

National op-ed after House passage, Instagram & Twitter engagement, and coalition letter.


Passed the House

This bill creates a comprehensive adaptation and resilience strategy, including a Chief Resilience Officer and interagency collaboration, to better prepare the nation for climate-related challenges.

Championed by Senators Chris Coons and Lisa Murkowski and Representatives Scott Peters, Maria Elvira Salazar, John Curtis, Lisa Blunt Rochester, and Brian Fitzpatrick.


This legislation enacts a whole-of-government adaptation and resilience strategy, creates a Chief Resilience Officer in the White House, and creates an interagency working group and non-Federal partners council to increase coordination.


“The bill would build on the momentum begun by countless other organizations dedicated to the cause of resilience.” – ACC Action Member Evan Patrohay


Introduced in the 118th Congress

The SOS Act provides emergency tools and resources to protect California’s iconic sequoia groves from unprecedented threats like wildfires, ensuring these natural treasures are preserved for future generations.

Championed by Representatives Kevin McCarthy, Scott Peters, Bruce Westerman, and 52 other bipartisan members of the House.


This legislation authorizes emergency tools and resources for land managers to save our treasured sequoias from unprecedented threats such as wildfire.


There is no climate policy that is as unifying as planting more trees and properly managing our beautiful forests. ACC Action applauds Speaker McCarthy and Representative Peters for crossing the aisle to protect California’s sequoia groves for future generations.” – Christopher Barnard, vice president of external affairs, American Conservation Coalition Action


Included in the House version of the Farm Bill

This bill prioritizes reducing methane and nitrous oxide emissions and enhancing carbon storage within agricultural practices, empowering America’s farmers to lead in climate change mitigation and environmental stewardship.

Championed by Representative Mike Lawler and Elissa Slotkin and Senators Tom Carper and Mike Braun.


This legislation makes methane and nitrous oxide emissions reductions and storing carbon priorities within EQIP’s Conservation Incentive Contracts.


“America’s farmers are at the forefront of conservation and climate change mitigation. They’re leading the way on innovative solutions that increase the productivity of their land while reducing emissions and sequestering carbon. The American Conservation Coalition Action (ACC Action) and our thousands of young conservative leaders nationwide applaud this effort to continue empowering farmers to be part of solving our greatest environmental challenges,” said Christopher Barnard, President of American Conservation Coalition Action.


Included in the House version of the Farm Bill

The Increased TSP Access Act addresses shortages of technical service providers by streamlining the certification process and ensuring fair compensation, enabling better support for conservation efforts on American farmlands.

Championed by Representatives Jim Baird and Abigail Spanberger and Senators Mike Braun, Roger Marshall, and Michael Bennet.


This legislation addresses NRCS technical services providers (TSP) shortages by establishing a process to approve non-federal certifying entities, streamlining the certification process, and ensuring fair compensation to TSPs.


“Ensures farmers have the support they need to enact conservation practices…” – ACC Action on Instagram


Included in the House version of the Farm Bill

RAWA invests in proactive conservation measures to protect wildlife before they become endangered, empowering states, Tribes, and communities to champion solutions for preserving America’s biodiversity.

Championed by Senators Martin Heinrich and Thom Tillis and Representative Debbie Dingell.


This legislation facilitates on-the-ground conservation efforts to protect America’s wildlife before species are listed as threatened or endangered. Invests in and empowers states, Tribes, and communities to champion solutions.


Community stakeholders’ first-hand experiences and profound understanding of local ecosystems are invaluable assets in safeguarding America’s wildlife.” – Danielle Butcher Franz, ACC Action CEO


Introduced in the 118th Congress

This bill leverages unused federal funds to engage the private sector in developing cutting-edge technologies and solutions to improve water quality, ensuring cleaner water for all.

Championed by Representatives Byron Donalds and Josh Gottheimer.


This legislation capitalizes on unused federal funds to engage the private sector in discovering innovative solutions and emerging technologies for water quality.


“Americans everywhere deserve a cleaner, safer, healthier environment to call home.” ACC Action Founder Benji Backer


Introduced in the 118th Congress