Date: July 24, 2024

Contact: Karly Matthews /

ACC Action Celebrates Bipartisan Permitting Deal

WASHINGTON – ACC Action applauds the efforts of Senators Manchin (I-WV) and Barrasso (R-WY) for finding common ground in their bipartisan permitting bill this week.

In January, we released a Climate Policy Agenda for the 118th Congress that explicitly called for permitting reform measures, including provisions included in this compromise bill. We have been encouraged by the resulting productive conversations with those on Capitol Hill about this issue.

The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 is the result of more than a year of negotiations and includes provisions on key permitting challenges such as judicial review, transmission, crucial mining reform, reform for emerging clean energy like geothermal. Moreover, this bill would legislatively override the Biden Administration’s LNG export permit pause, to unleash cleaner American energy on the world stage. 

ACC Action President Chris Barnard said: “This bipartisan permitting package is what ACC Action and so many other organizations have been working toward since the start of the 118th Congress. We must cut unnecessary red tape to unleash a cleaner future, powered by American-made energy. Burdensome regulations have made it nearly impossible to build in America. For our climate, our economy, and our national security, this must change. We look forward to digging further into the bill’s text, but we are encouraged by this effort.”

ACC Action will continue to work with members of both parties in Congress to get the best bill possible across the finish line and unleash a cleaner, American-made energy future.
